Brevin, the BIG 4th grader. Brevin is in a combination class. So he has the same teacher he had last year, Mrs. Gardner. Hooray! He has made new friends and has already invited them over to play at our house. LEGO's are still fun for 4th graders.

Lindie, the 2nd grader! I am having a hard time believing that Lindie is the same age Brevin was when we moved here a few years ago. She seems so wise. In November, it will be her turn to be baptized! She is posing here with one of her best buddies from last year. They both enjoy horse riding lessons together. This best buddy is now in Brevin's class and shares the same table group as he does. Lindie is thrilled. Brevin is disgusted. Girls.

Here they all are. Michaela starts preschool after Labor Day--when all schools should start! August 12th is just too soon. Spencer is in my arms.
This is a co-op K-6 school. Soon I will be volunteering 10 hours a month, and I love it! The whole family knows this is the school for us at this time. We love ACE!