Wednesday, February 18, 2009

So long, farewell....

It's official. My parents are on their way to Africa for their second mission in Ghana. They are happy and excited to go and while I am happy for them, I am sad too. I was just getting used to talking to my parents in the same time zone, having them see my kids and reconnect with them, and knowing that when I called, they would be there. At least this mission is only 18 months long, right? I've volunteered to do OUR family reunion when they return in August 2010--seeing that date makes it seem WAY in the future!

I found an Electric Company DVD at the library. I know I'm showing my age, but it was so fun to sit down with the kids and introduce them to "Easy Reader". Ok, more fun to see Brevin sing the song around the house. We're on to the Muppets now. Reading Rainbow is always on hand.

I am entering my kids into a lottery for a co-op school in the area. My dream school--it really exists. And it's in the school district!! I wonder how long it will last with all the cuts coming our way....

Michaela was pretending to be a librarian today to her dolls. My heart melted. I am so thankful that all of my kids now enjoy reading.

Lindie finished her dance class and is still in her art class. I'm trying to find another dance class. She loves it. She also enjoys MATH and reading. So thankful I married Randy--that math gene does not come from me--but the dance and art--enjoy it, Lindie!!

Brevin started piano lessons after basketball ended. Piano lessons and scouts--I'm thinking about adding swimming to the mix per his doctors recommendation. I guess we should put that long, lanky body to good use, right?

Randy is constantly grading papers and prepping for his lesson plans. It's like graduate school without the stress. Luckily, I think I'm used to not having him "here".

Weight Watchers works!


Ally said...

why arent you putting that new camera to good use and posting pictures on your blog?

The State of Our Family said...

Yeah! So great to hear how everyone is doing. Brevin should totally take swim lessons--he could be the next great thing! :)

Corri said...

Just had to tell you that I love the pictures in your sidebar--your girls are so gorgeous! Michaela's hair is to die for.

Hoping we can find some time to visit with each other soon. :)