Friday, June 26, 2009

It's A....BOY!!

Yes, we had our ultrasound today and there is no question that we are having a boy! The baby was moving around so much during the entire ultrasound, I was getting worried that we wouldn't be able to find out at all. But thankfully, he cooperated. He has long arms and legs and a distinguished nose like our other kids. I am just so excited to meet him!

When we told the kids, Brevin gave me a giant hug and said, "Finally, the brother I've been waiting and waiting for." Lindie jumped up and down and started talking to the baby saying, "Well, hello there little brother!" Michaela hung her head and cried. I picked her up and she just sobbed. She finally put her head up to look at me and said, "Mommy. I really, really, really wanted a little sister." Lindie saw Michaela and said, "Michaela, don't cry! Your prince is coming!" That cheered Michaela right up and she's been saying all day today how her prince is coming! Thank you, Lindie.

Randy and I don't have any names. We asked the kids what names they liked. Brevin likes the name Anthony (no), Lindie likes Jack (hmm) and Michaela likes Devin because it rhymes with Brevin (no, we're not going to do that). Matthew, Ryan and Corbin are also contenders, so we'll see what HE looks like and go from there.

Wow. Another boy!


A Roper said...

Congratulations! :) I'm so happy for you guys! And yeah for Brevin who will finally have a brother! :)

Jennie said...

Congrats! I love the kids' commentary - very cute =)

jessica said...

Congratulations! We are fond of the name Ryan, of course - a very good name. I also had a very cute kid in my primary class here named Corbin, so I like that one as well. I hope all goes well as you prepare for his arrival!

Amy W said...

Yeah Stephanie! I'm so glad to find your blog! Your kids are adorable! Congratulations on another boy. I'm so happy for you and your family! I'd love to see you!

Jill said...

What great news!