We had a Robertson Family Reunion on Sunday. A member of my mother-in-laws ward asked if she could stop by after church to let the girl cousins choose some dresses her mother had made before she died. It turns out her mom was quite the Daisy Kingdom seamstress. This member of the ward brought the dresses and presented them on a hanging rack so the four girl cousins could choose their favorite dresses. It was better than Christmas! Here are the cousins putting on a fashion show. The princesses from left to right are: Sonya,7, Michaela, 3, Lindie, 6, and Emma, 9.

More twirling and whirling. All the dad's were so encouraging and had all the right things to say to their princesses. It helped the girls feel comfortable putting on their show when the boy cousins were there watching too.

Beautiful cousins! Sonya, Lindie, Michaela and Emma.
in the top picture michaela looks just like randy's mom!
Do you think so? How funny.
i am going to call her mini merna. but it is only in the top picture
There are few things better than a good twirling dress!
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