Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy Holidays

Happy Birthday, Michaela!! Michaela turned 4 on December 10th. I think her best present was having Grammie here! Do you see the frozen strawberries she put on her chocolate cake? (The curtains behind her are long gone...just part of making our house our own home).
Ok, this picture is out of order. This is Spencer in the last few days of December. He just gave a BIG, HUGE smile and I took the picture towards the end of the smile. Our Spencer boy is SO sweet.

"The boys" talking to each other.

"The girls" giggling together on a Sunday afternoon.

Lindie and Spencer in their Red Nightgowns on Christmas Day.

"...and the stockings were hung by the chimney with care..." We love our stockings because most of them were made by my mom. Mine was made by my beloved Aunt Boopie (named after Betty Boop--her real name is Linda!)

Christamas morning before we opened the presents. of these things is not like the nightgown, red nightgown, red nightgown, PURPLE T-ball shirt. We'll just call Randy my little sugar plum. This year we bought an artificial tree to simplify our lives. We loved the simplicity, but missed the smell of the evergreen.

Happy New Year 2010!! Randy was chaperoning the stake dance, so the kids and I celebrated like it was...2010. We made newspaper hats (they quickly flew off) and through all of our shreddings in the paper shredder for confetti. The garage was a perfect place for our party. We then had Martenelli's and talked about our goals/aspirations for the new year. Brevin said he wants to read three Harry Potter books, Michaela said she wants to take another gymnastics class, and Lindie said she wants to buy something at the Hello Kitty store. We'll see what we can do about those goals. My goal is to enjoy my kids. I feel like they are growing up too fast and I want to enjoy the ride.


Ally said...

Sweet pictures! I love their goals. Randy is a party pooper, not a sugar plum. Just get him a red shirt to wear so atleast he is matching!

jessica said...

I loved seeing all of those pictures - Spencer is darling! Enjoying the ride is a good goal. I hope to do the same this year.

Andra said...

Spencer is so cute. Congratulations!!! I loved reading about his birth. Sorry about the bummer of an epidural.

The State of Our Family said...

How fun! I love the goals!