Saturday, November 3, 2007

How do you know it's fall?

I have my pumpkin candle going almost all the time--it smells so good!

Taking the long way to school in the mornings so we can crunch through the leaf piles.

Successful trip to Impossible Acres is evident by our family of Jack-o-Lanterns on our front porch. Brevin did his all by himself this year. Lindie drew hers on and I carved it for her. I guess it was so much fun because she chose to make a pattern of 4 faces going all the way around her pumpkin--happy face, sad face, happy face, sad face. Michaela drew her design on her pumpkin too--the finished product looks a lot like a "Y" for BYU!

Candy in the big green bowl on the second shelf of our kitchen. Don't tell the kids.

Jackets hanging on our coat rack.

Black Sunday shoes and tights for the girls to wear to church and long sleeve shirts for the boys.

Socks in our laundry again.

Soccer games.

Ballet lessons.

Parent Teacher Conferences.

Family at Thanksgiving time.

Dry hands.

Day light savings--it always makes me laugh when I look back when I was a mother of one. I actually tried to prepare Brevin for daylight savings a week in advance so it wouldn't mess up his "schedule." Who was that mom? I guess I didn't have enough to do then. Don't have that problem now!

Piano lessons.

And yes, Christmas wish lists.