Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Alamo Eagles

Today Brevin was honored for being the Citizen of the Month. His teacher sent me an email to let me know when to head on down to the assembly this afternoon. I have never been to an Alamo Eagles assembly before. Woa! Talk about School Spirit.

First of all, the entire primary grades stand and say the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by 'This Land is Your Land'. This NEVER would've happened at our ultra liberal school in Davis. When we first moved to Vacaville, Brevin didn't even know what the Pledge of Allegiance was because he never had to say it in school. Sad, sad, sad. Well, he's making up for it now.

Then they have the student council members give the announcements. One boy in the student council is a friend of ours. Brevin looks up to him so much. So nice to have great role models.

Then they announced all of the Student of the Week students. Two from each class, each week! Wow! Then they announced the Student of the Month. One from each class, and a lunch with the Principal! Then they announced how many students had perfect attendance for the month. All of those students are then put into a drawing for a $10 escrip card of their choice in the office. One student from each grade is chosen. Finally, they put all of the names of perfect attendance back in the pot for the winner of an ipod! I don't even have an ipod yet!!! A first grader won! The whole primary student body cheered and clapped and gave each student who received any award a high five as they made it to the front of the MPR.

I love this school. It was also nice to win a basket at the annual Fall Festival! Alamo---EAGLES!!!

FHE Princess Style

Last night for FHE, my girls were still in Princess character. Michaela was Sleeping Beauty and insisted on standing in front of our fireplace to be next to her prince, Prince Phillaah, (not Prince Phillip, Prince Phillaaah). Lindie was laying on some blankets on the couch moving her "fins" around, as Ariel should.

For Show and Tell, Michaela, aka Sleeping Beauty, and Lindie, aka Ariel, danced to some princess music. Sleeping Beauty was dancing with her "Grammie Blankie" (the red cowgirl up blankie) and putting it around her head like a veil. Every once in awhile she would look to the side and wave to her Prince Phillah.

Ariel was twisting and turning on the floor, putting her mouth in a circle to blow bubbles and sing, while dramatically reinacting a swim scene in her mind of how Ariel would swim.

Randy and I looked at each other and tried SO HARD to keep a straight face and give our girls the praise they needed. Later that night, we were able to giggle and laugh outloud.

For Brevin's Show and Tell, he told us about how awesome he is in kickball during recess at school. (Which he is, I have seen him and I am totally unbiased). He now wants a tetherball for Christmas--I am trying not to see Napoleon Dynamite images of playing tetherball in my head. My sister, Celeste, had a tetherball and I thought she was the coolest sister around. We'll see what Santa brings....

Election Day from a 2 year old

As I was walking toward City Hall to vote this morning with the girls, 2 year old Michaela asked me some questions.

"Hey, mom. Where is all of the water?"

"The water? The water for what?"

"For the BOATS! You said we're coming here to go on a BOAT!"

Boat, Vote, what's the difference?

This election has seemed like one long boat ride. I am so thankful I did my all. Whatever will be will be.