Saturday, December 5, 2009
Bringing Home Baby
Friday, November 27, 2009
Spencer John
Spencer John was born at 4:55pm on Thursday, November 19. He weighed 8 pounds 6 oz. and was 21 inches long. He has light brown hair and very dark blue eyes--will they turn brown? He is a sweet, sweet baby who enjoys being loved by his older brother and sisters. They are pros at putting on hand sanitizer everytime before they hold him and only give him kisses on the top of his head.
I wanted to post pictures with this blog but I can't find where I unpacked the cords to do that. Pictures are forthcoming.
Randy and I went into North Bay Hospital in Fairfield at 7:30am. By 8:30am Dr. Fazio had inserted a pill inside me to help me contract. She said she wanted to induce me slowly as she felt that would be better for baby. She said she may need to insert a total of 4 pills every 4 hours. Since I came into the hospital only dialated to a 1, it looked like we had a LONG day ahead of us. Randy and I came prepared. He brought his laptop and we brought along all of our favorite sports movies--Rudy, Miracle, Hoosiers, Field of Dreams, Rookie, etc. By the time the doctor came back to examine me at 12:30pm, I had already taken a nap, watched Rudy, and had eaten a pretty decent lunch. Once she inserted that second pill, things really started happening. I can remember talking to the kids and my mom on the phone and at 1:30pm I had to say goodbye because the contractions were getting stronger. By 2pm, my water had broken on its own. When our awesome nurse, Amy--who just happens to live a few houses down from us, came to confirm that my water had broken, she also found some muconion (sp?), so she called in the on call neonatalogist to make sure he would be there for the birth. That neonatalogist just happened to be our stake president! I was feeling very well taken care of!
By 2:30pm I was at a 4 and ready for an epideural. Dear Dr. Walker couldn't find my spine. I had swollen so much during this pregnancy that I had edema of the spine! Who has ever heard of that! After 4 tries, he finally just put it in. Let me just say, I don't think the epideural ever took. My back still hurts from his tries and Randy says they are nowhere near my spine. Hmm. Oh, well.
From 4-4:55pm I was in transition. Oh the things I say to my sweet husband during transition! I felt the urge to push like nobody's business, but the nurses and doctor kept telling me I was only at a 7. Turns out I went from a 7 to a 10 in 5 minutes, but they didn't believe me until I begged them to please examine me again. When they did they all said, "Let's have a baby! Push away!" Spencer joined the world after only 3 pushes. Our stake president was there seeing me in all my glory. As soon as Spencer was born he said, "Happy Birthday, Spencer!" It was a wonderful moment.
Randy stayed beside Spencer's side for all of his measurements and weighing in and bath. I enjoyed watching father and son connect. Spencer nursed right away and before we knew it, we were on our way into the tiniest room ever! I have always been a strong believer in staying in the hospital for 2 days, but by Friday afternoon I was ready to leave! I learned I am claustrophobic if I don't have a window by my bedside to look out of, and I have to have the door open! It was a pleasure to arrive home Friday evening and feel like I could breathe once again.
By Saturday, Randy's parents came to meet their newest grandson and my Aunt Carol and Uncle Jerry came to plant me a winter garden in our garden spot. Wonderful.
My mom is helping me by taking the kids wherever they need to be, keeping the house clean, making our dinners, and making sure I get at least 2 naps a day. Thanks for coming, mom! However, on Tuesday night, my sisters Celeste and Ally drove up to pick up my mom and the kids for the rest of Thanksgiving week. My sister Keri and brother Craig and their families together with Ally and Celeste their families are all together at Celeste's new mansion and enjoying cousin time. I won't see my kids again until Saturday! Randy has been grading 4 tests and tons of homework from when he took time off to be with baby, and I have been enjoying the rest--and the chick flick DVD's Randy picked up for me at the library! By Saturday, I will be ready to see my kids again.
I'm so thankful Spencer is here safe and sound. I'm so thankful not to be pregnant anymore. This pregnancy was a hard one from beginning to end. I'm thankful for our new home, the kids new school, and especially for the gospel of Jesus Christ in our lives.
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!
I wanted to post pictures with this blog but I can't find where I unpacked the cords to do that. Pictures are forthcoming.
Randy and I went into North Bay Hospital in Fairfield at 7:30am. By 8:30am Dr. Fazio had inserted a pill inside me to help me contract. She said she wanted to induce me slowly as she felt that would be better for baby. She said she may need to insert a total of 4 pills every 4 hours. Since I came into the hospital only dialated to a 1, it looked like we had a LONG day ahead of us. Randy and I came prepared. He brought his laptop and we brought along all of our favorite sports movies--Rudy, Miracle, Hoosiers, Field of Dreams, Rookie, etc. By the time the doctor came back to examine me at 12:30pm, I had already taken a nap, watched Rudy, and had eaten a pretty decent lunch. Once she inserted that second pill, things really started happening. I can remember talking to the kids and my mom on the phone and at 1:30pm I had to say goodbye because the contractions were getting stronger. By 2pm, my water had broken on its own. When our awesome nurse, Amy--who just happens to live a few houses down from us, came to confirm that my water had broken, she also found some muconion (sp?), so she called in the on call neonatalogist to make sure he would be there for the birth. That neonatalogist just happened to be our stake president! I was feeling very well taken care of!
By 2:30pm I was at a 4 and ready for an epideural. Dear Dr. Walker couldn't find my spine. I had swollen so much during this pregnancy that I had edema of the spine! Who has ever heard of that! After 4 tries, he finally just put it in. Let me just say, I don't think the epideural ever took. My back still hurts from his tries and Randy says they are nowhere near my spine. Hmm. Oh, well.
From 4-4:55pm I was in transition. Oh the things I say to my sweet husband during transition! I felt the urge to push like nobody's business, but the nurses and doctor kept telling me I was only at a 7. Turns out I went from a 7 to a 10 in 5 minutes, but they didn't believe me until I begged them to please examine me again. When they did they all said, "Let's have a baby! Push away!" Spencer joined the world after only 3 pushes. Our stake president was there seeing me in all my glory. As soon as Spencer was born he said, "Happy Birthday, Spencer!" It was a wonderful moment.
Randy stayed beside Spencer's side for all of his measurements and weighing in and bath. I enjoyed watching father and son connect. Spencer nursed right away and before we knew it, we were on our way into the tiniest room ever! I have always been a strong believer in staying in the hospital for 2 days, but by Friday afternoon I was ready to leave! I learned I am claustrophobic if I don't have a window by my bedside to look out of, and I have to have the door open! It was a pleasure to arrive home Friday evening and feel like I could breathe once again.
By Saturday, Randy's parents came to meet their newest grandson and my Aunt Carol and Uncle Jerry came to plant me a winter garden in our garden spot. Wonderful.
My mom is helping me by taking the kids wherever they need to be, keeping the house clean, making our dinners, and making sure I get at least 2 naps a day. Thanks for coming, mom! However, on Tuesday night, my sisters Celeste and Ally drove up to pick up my mom and the kids for the rest of Thanksgiving week. My sister Keri and brother Craig and their families together with Ally and Celeste their families are all together at Celeste's new mansion and enjoying cousin time. I won't see my kids again until Saturday! Randy has been grading 4 tests and tons of homework from when he took time off to be with baby, and I have been enjoying the rest--and the chick flick DVD's Randy picked up for me at the library! By Saturday, I will be ready to see my kids again.
I'm so thankful Spencer is here safe and sound. I'm so thankful not to be pregnant anymore. This pregnancy was a hard one from beginning to end. I'm thankful for our new home, the kids new school, and especially for the gospel of Jesus Christ in our lives.
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
November 19
I got a call from my mom, who is serving her second Public Affairs mission for all of West Africa with my dad, on Sunday saying she is flying out to take care of me when baby comes! I was completely surprised and shocked! I know I have been overly emotional/hormonal/freaked out/crazy especially during these last few weeks of this pregnancy, but I wasn't expecting my mom to take a leave of absence from her mission for her mentally unstable daughter--which would be me at the moment. But SURPRISE! She flies in tomorrow morning and I will be induced at 9 days late the next day! I think baby Spencer is waiting to meet his Grammie. At today's dr. appointment, I have made progress from my ZERO centimeters of the last two weeks. I am now at an astounding 1 1/2 centimeters!! Twoo-twoo! Heck, I was at 2 centimeters with Brevin and Lindie when I arrived at the hospital--of course my water had already broken so they had to keep me. My water broke with Michaela too, but they kept sending me home! UGH! So this will be a new experience for me. I am just so excited and anxious to meet the little guy!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Happy 7th Birthday, Lindie
Lindie turns 7 tomorrow. Randy brought home a dozen pink roses to surprise her with tonight. He felt that her birthday has been getting lost in the shuffle of waiting for this baby to come.
How can Lindie get lost in the shuffle?
Lindie has been asking me a lot about what she was like as a baby. I tell her she wanted her mommy ALL the time--to hold her, to feed her, but mostly to snuggle with her. She is still a great snuggle bug. She loves to sleep in and wake up slowly. She also loves chocolate!
What I love most about Lindie is her insight. For example, yesterday while we were in the car we were listening to one of my favorite songs by Martina McBride "Bring on the Rain". We had just watched the musical "Annie" the night before. She said after listening to "Bring on the Rain", "Mom, this song has the same message as that Tomorrow song in Annie did--that things get better and there is always hope." That's right! I never would've made that connection, but leave it to Lindie. She will and she does ALL the time!
I also love how sweet Lindie is as an older sister. There is a special bond between Lindie and Michaela. They hug each other hello and goodbye as Lindie comes and goes and Lindie always asks Michaela thoughtful questions and listens to her answers. "Did you have a fun time at Todd's house today? What did you do? Oh, how fun!" She is also very patient with Brevin.
I have enjoyed seeing Lindie's light SHINE since we started the ACE school. She comes home with a spark for learning everyday and I love seeing that! She has kept a daily journal since last year and writes her feelings and emotions in it--an example to me! So insightful.
I am so thankful Lindie is in our family. Happy Birthday my "noble" one.
How can Lindie get lost in the shuffle?
Lindie has been asking me a lot about what she was like as a baby. I tell her she wanted her mommy ALL the time--to hold her, to feed her, but mostly to snuggle with her. She is still a great snuggle bug. She loves to sleep in and wake up slowly. She also loves chocolate!
What I love most about Lindie is her insight. For example, yesterday while we were in the car we were listening to one of my favorite songs by Martina McBride "Bring on the Rain". We had just watched the musical "Annie" the night before. She said after listening to "Bring on the Rain", "Mom, this song has the same message as that Tomorrow song in Annie did--that things get better and there is always hope." That's right! I never would've made that connection, but leave it to Lindie. She will and she does ALL the time!
I also love how sweet Lindie is as an older sister. There is a special bond between Lindie and Michaela. They hug each other hello and goodbye as Lindie comes and goes and Lindie always asks Michaela thoughtful questions and listens to her answers. "Did you have a fun time at Todd's house today? What did you do? Oh, how fun!" She is also very patient with Brevin.
I have enjoyed seeing Lindie's light SHINE since we started the ACE school. She comes home with a spark for learning everyday and I love seeing that! She has kept a daily journal since last year and writes her feelings and emotions in it--an example to me! So insightful.
I am so thankful Lindie is in our family. Happy Birthday my "noble" one.
Friday, November 6, 2009
39 1/2 Weeks and Counting
We had the most amazing move into our new home last Saturday, on Halloween. My aunt and uncle in Sacramento graciously took the kids on Friday night and all day Saturday so Randy and I could concentrate on the move. They spent the day in San Francisco watching my oldest nephew, Brandon, and his wife, Lacy do very well representing BYU-Hawaii in their cross-country races. The highlight of their day was eating at the Rainforest Cafe with Brandon and Lacy and Uncle Larry!! Thank you to family for taking care of my family.
Our move started at 9am in the morning. I was worried that not very many people would show up to help us move because it was Halloween afterall and moving into our ward we only had 3 people come and help us. Not this time! I just finished the thank you notes--there were 24 people there helping us move! Our entire house was moved by 9:40am!! And that included a trip to the dump! I am very grateful to my brother and brother-in-law who drove up an hour and half to help with the move. What they actually helped me with the most was to clean up after the move, and to keep me laughing and relaxed and calm. We walked away from the house by noon and EVERYTHING was done. I'm glad my brother and brother-in-law were able to climb our pomegranate tree and pick as many pomegranates as they could before the birds finished them off. I wish I could've offered them more to thank them for their efforts.
Many of the members of our Vacaville 1st ward came over to unload us into our new home. Members from our new ward, the Vacaville 5th ward, were suppose to come and unload us at 11am, but the 1st warders beat them to it. We were unloaded by 10:30am. We had to send people away! However, I will forever be grateful to our new Bishop Monson and RS President Sis. Berkheimer for coming over on the day of the move to welcome us into the ward. How is it possible to leave an awesome ward and enter an equally awesome new ward? We feel very blessed.
I was hoping that all of this packing and unpacking would put me into labor. I've had some pretty impressive false labor, but after my doctors appointment today, I learned that it's not that impressive afterall. All of that false labor has done NOTHING!! I am dilated to a ZERO!! My due date is 4 days away and I am convinced this baby is as snug as a bug in a rug and will be late. What I am a little concerned about is that the doctor I visited last week said this baby will be 8 1/2 to 9 lbs. easily. How much bigger will he be if I'm late?
I made a list of things I have to look forward to while waiting to meet this baby. The number one thing is to celebrate Lindie's 7th birthday next week. Michaela and I did go birthday shopping for her--just in case--but it would be very nice to celebrate her birthday on its own merits. The kids Primary Program is on Sunday and I am looking forward to seeing them sing and perform their parts. Brevin and Lindie have parent/teacher conferences scheduled for the 17th and I love parent/teacher conferences so I hope I can go to them.
My only complaint while waiting is how swollen I am--from my knees down I look like the Incredible Hulk. The doctor pushed into my calves and her finger went in an inch--I am not kidding! I feel like the Stay Puffed Marshmallow Woman. No doctor is concerned because I do not have high blood pressure, however I would like to fit into my flip flops again someday. I'm hoping after baby is born my body will just shrivel up like a raisin once all of the water is gone!
Until baby makes his grand debut, I will continue to feel thankful that we get to welcome this baby into our new home.
Our move started at 9am in the morning. I was worried that not very many people would show up to help us move because it was Halloween afterall and moving into our ward we only had 3 people come and help us. Not this time! I just finished the thank you notes--there were 24 people there helping us move! Our entire house was moved by 9:40am!! And that included a trip to the dump! I am very grateful to my brother and brother-in-law who drove up an hour and half to help with the move. What they actually helped me with the most was to clean up after the move, and to keep me laughing and relaxed and calm. We walked away from the house by noon and EVERYTHING was done. I'm glad my brother and brother-in-law were able to climb our pomegranate tree and pick as many pomegranates as they could before the birds finished them off. I wish I could've offered them more to thank them for their efforts.
Many of the members of our Vacaville 1st ward came over to unload us into our new home. Members from our new ward, the Vacaville 5th ward, were suppose to come and unload us at 11am, but the 1st warders beat them to it. We were unloaded by 10:30am. We had to send people away! However, I will forever be grateful to our new Bishop Monson and RS President Sis. Berkheimer for coming over on the day of the move to welcome us into the ward. How is it possible to leave an awesome ward and enter an equally awesome new ward? We feel very blessed.
I was hoping that all of this packing and unpacking would put me into labor. I've had some pretty impressive false labor, but after my doctors appointment today, I learned that it's not that impressive afterall. All of that false labor has done NOTHING!! I am dilated to a ZERO!! My due date is 4 days away and I am convinced this baby is as snug as a bug in a rug and will be late. What I am a little concerned about is that the doctor I visited last week said this baby will be 8 1/2 to 9 lbs. easily. How much bigger will he be if I'm late?
I made a list of things I have to look forward to while waiting to meet this baby. The number one thing is to celebrate Lindie's 7th birthday next week. Michaela and I did go birthday shopping for her--just in case--but it would be very nice to celebrate her birthday on its own merits. The kids Primary Program is on Sunday and I am looking forward to seeing them sing and perform their parts. Brevin and Lindie have parent/teacher conferences scheduled for the 17th and I love parent/teacher conferences so I hope I can go to them.
My only complaint while waiting is how swollen I am--from my knees down I look like the Incredible Hulk. The doctor pushed into my calves and her finger went in an inch--I am not kidding! I feel like the Stay Puffed Marshmallow Woman. No doctor is concerned because I do not have high blood pressure, however I would like to fit into my flip flops again someday. I'm hoping after baby is born my body will just shrivel up like a raisin once all of the water is gone!
Until baby makes his grand debut, I will continue to feel thankful that we get to welcome this baby into our new home.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Overheard Conversation on the way to Scouts
Brevin: Mom, why is Kristi so interested in me? (Our ABA behaviorist who keeps tabs on him 3 hours a month, but who is now on maternity leave so her boss Kelli came to observe him at Scouts today).
Mom: Because you're a pretty interesting kid!
Brevin: Is it because I used to have autism?
Mom: What do you think?
Brevin: Probably.
Andrew: (Brevin's best buddy) What's autism?
Brevin: Oh, it's something I was born with that my parents learned about when I was about 3. It's a disability, but I grew out of it. Well, I still have it a little.
Andrew: But what is autism like for you?
Brevin: It helps me concentrate. Actually, did you know that everyone in the whole world has to have a little bit of autism or they wouldn't be able to concentrate on anything! (I like that explanation!)
Andrew: Cool! That means I have austim too because I can concentrate on a lot of things all at the same time!
Brevin: Who's your favorite Pokemon character? (Boys will be boys).
Sometimes it is a double edged sword having a son who is so high functioning--enough to know the difference and yet able to communicate how he feels about it all. He is very concerned about our baby having autism (probably overheard me talking to my mom) and has had nightmares about it. I keep reminding him that if our baby has autism, we will know what to do and we will give him the help he needs just like we did for Brevin. "I hope he doesn't have any disabilities because I really want to play basketball with him when he gets older." You still can, buddy boy.
Mom: Because you're a pretty interesting kid!
Brevin: Is it because I used to have autism?
Mom: What do you think?
Brevin: Probably.
Andrew: (Brevin's best buddy) What's autism?
Brevin: Oh, it's something I was born with that my parents learned about when I was about 3. It's a disability, but I grew out of it. Well, I still have it a little.
Andrew: But what is autism like for you?
Brevin: It helps me concentrate. Actually, did you know that everyone in the whole world has to have a little bit of autism or they wouldn't be able to concentrate on anything! (I like that explanation!)
Andrew: Cool! That means I have austim too because I can concentrate on a lot of things all at the same time!
Brevin: Who's your favorite Pokemon character? (Boys will be boys).
Sometimes it is a double edged sword having a son who is so high functioning--enough to know the difference and yet able to communicate how he feels about it all. He is very concerned about our baby having autism (probably overheard me talking to my mom) and has had nightmares about it. I keep reminding him that if our baby has autism, we will know what to do and we will give him the help he needs just like we did for Brevin. "I hope he doesn't have any disabilities because I really want to play basketball with him when he gets older." You still can, buddy boy.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
ACE is the Place
Lindie and Brevin transferred to a new school a week ago. It's a co-op school with about 100 students. The name of the school is ACE--Alternative Co-op Education. Each class is a combination class. Lindie is in a K-1-2 combo class and Brevin is in a 3-4 combo class. The teachers are amazing and my kids have transitioned so well! I think having music playing as the kids line up in the morning helps--how can you not be happy when "Lollipop, Lollipop" is playing in the background as you start your day? The music changes everyday. I love it!
What I love the most about this school is the homework. No worksheets! Each week of the month is designated towards reading, writing, math or project week. Lindie just finished her project week. She got to choose whatever she wanted to do and she chose to make sugar cookies! She wrote out the recipe, made the grocery list, went grocery shopping, made the cookies and I photographed each step of the way. She made a book out of the pictures and presented it to her class--complete with the cookies! She came home BEAMING! I can't think of a better way to teach kids self-esteem. Brevin just finished his reading week and he had to write down everything he read that week. Quite a varied list. And now we are beginning our Fall Break of no school!!! Yippee!!
We close escrow on our house on October 14th. The owners move out October 25th and in exchange are leaving behind their 5 barstools to go around the kitchen counter and their beautiful area rug for the family room. Looks like we get to come up with real furniture--non-gifted couches!! Wow. I really feel grown up now. We move in on Halloween!
The great thing is our new house is only 5 minutes from ACE. It really is the PLACE.
What I love the most about this school is the homework. No worksheets! Each week of the month is designated towards reading, writing, math or project week. Lindie just finished her project week. She got to choose whatever she wanted to do and she chose to make sugar cookies! She wrote out the recipe, made the grocery list, went grocery shopping, made the cookies and I photographed each step of the way. She made a book out of the pictures and presented it to her class--complete with the cookies! She came home BEAMING! I can't think of a better way to teach kids self-esteem. Brevin just finished his reading week and he had to write down everything he read that week. Quite a varied list. And now we are beginning our Fall Break of no school!!! Yippee!!
We close escrow on our house on October 14th. The owners move out October 25th and in exchange are leaving behind their 5 barstools to go around the kitchen counter and their beautiful area rug for the family room. Looks like we get to come up with real furniture--non-gifted couches!! Wow. I really feel grown up now. We move in on Halloween!
The great thing is our new house is only 5 minutes from ACE. It really is the PLACE.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Wonder of Wonders, Miracle of Miracles
Randy and I bought a house this weekend!! It was the strangest thing. We have been trying to find a house in our current ward so our kids could stay at their current school and have minimal change with a new baby on the way, etc. And then we saw "the" house. It is in another ward, another school, out of the historic Vacaville area that we love and into the Brown's Valley area of Vacaville. And yet, it feels so right!
"The" house still has three bedrooms, but we like the idea of having our kids share rooms for the rest of their lives. It has a "princess staircase", nice size living room, recently remodeled kitchen complete with granite counter tops and white country looking cabinets, the kitchen also has a walk-in pantry, and the kitchen opens up into a gorgeous family room. "The" house has a fully landscaped backyard with about 15 fruit trees and a garden with tomatoes and peppers ready for us to move in and pick. We have no rear neighbors. It is in a nice, quiet neighborhood at the edge of town.
Randy and I keep pinching ourselves. Did we really just buy a house? A house that is beautiful and that we can afford? How did this happen?
So, as of Nov. 8th, just two days before my due date (PLEASE BE LATE BABY), our new address will be:
821 Monaghan, Vacaville, CA 95688.
"The" house still has three bedrooms, but we like the idea of having our kids share rooms for the rest of their lives. It has a "princess staircase", nice size living room, recently remodeled kitchen complete with granite counter tops and white country looking cabinets, the kitchen also has a walk-in pantry, and the kitchen opens up into a gorgeous family room. "The" house has a fully landscaped backyard with about 15 fruit trees and a garden with tomatoes and peppers ready for us to move in and pick. We have no rear neighbors. It is in a nice, quiet neighborhood at the edge of town.
Randy and I keep pinching ourselves. Did we really just buy a house? A house that is beautiful and that we can afford? How did this happen?
So, as of Nov. 8th, just two days before my due date (PLEASE BE LATE BABY), our new address will be:
821 Monaghan, Vacaville, CA 95688.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Big, Fat and Pregnant
Does anyone have a polite response when people ask when you are due, and you tell them in two more months, and they GASP, and their EYES POP OUT, and they ask, ARE YOU SURE YOU'RE NOT HAVING TWINS???
I must be getting grouchy and uncomfortable because I am so tempted to make a T-shirt that says, "Due in two months, and I'm not having twins!"
We found out the owner we have been renting our home from is going into bankruptcy and foreclosure, so guess what I get to do when I'm BIG, FAT and PREGNANT--pack!!! Oh, the tears I have shed in my many conversations with my husband on what we should do--stay in this home, or get something bigger? Buy or rent? I am beside myself with worry. We decided to change realtors in the process, because the one we've had for the past 3 months just isn't that knowledgeable. And if I have to see another smoker, pet infested home again I will cry again!!!
So I'm going through everything and making a big D.I. pile--something that needs to be done anyway.
To escape from it all, I'm reading a delightful series from the library by the author "Miss Read". All of the books are about a school teacher in rural England and her associations with the other members of the community. It reminds me of the Mitford series of books because of the strong emphasis on characterization. Ah, escapism.
A good book and a husband who just came home from a Thai dessert run for me--mango sticky rice. Yum. Maybe I can survive the last 10 weeks of this pregnancy afterall.
I must be getting grouchy and uncomfortable because I am so tempted to make a T-shirt that says, "Due in two months, and I'm not having twins!"
We found out the owner we have been renting our home from is going into bankruptcy and foreclosure, so guess what I get to do when I'm BIG, FAT and PREGNANT--pack!!! Oh, the tears I have shed in my many conversations with my husband on what we should do--stay in this home, or get something bigger? Buy or rent? I am beside myself with worry. We decided to change realtors in the process, because the one we've had for the past 3 months just isn't that knowledgeable. And if I have to see another smoker, pet infested home again I will cry again!!!
So I'm going through everything and making a big D.I. pile--something that needs to be done anyway.
To escape from it all, I'm reading a delightful series from the library by the author "Miss Read". All of the books are about a school teacher in rural England and her associations with the other members of the community. It reminds me of the Mitford series of books because of the strong emphasis on characterization. Ah, escapism.
A good book and a husband who just came home from a Thai dessert run for me--mango sticky rice. Yum. Maybe I can survive the last 10 weeks of this pregnancy afterall.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
The Grand Re-Re-Opening of the Nut Tree
Friday, August 14, 2009
First Day of School
Lindie's kindergarten teacher "looped" up to 1st grade with her. Maybe it was the LONG first grade day, or the fact that she's still getting over her week long virus of high fever, because she came home saying "School was so BORING. All we did was work, work, work."
Michaela's Co-op Preschool in Dixon doesn't start until after Labor Day--the way it should be! I'm excited because her teacher will be the same one Lindie had at her UCDavis preschool!
Overall, it was a great day. The kids came home exhausted. They spent the afternoon creating things out of paper and crayons. Brevin made some awesome origami, Lindie made "the tallest ladder in the world" that led her to the top of a Redwood Tree where she told us everything she could "see." She also made a quilt out of paper. Michaela made more masks! They told me about their day over brownies and smoothies. I missed them! And we do it all again tomorrow....
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Whirling Dervishes
Monday, August 3, 2009
Skin Cancer
My parents flew in from their mission in Ghana to SLC last night so my dad could have some skin cancer removed. My parents are now in Utah recovering for the next 3-6 weeks. How can I not go out and visit them? If only I had just not returned from visiting my sister Ally, after she came out to visit us. Can my feet take the swelling of driving in a car again? My kids school starts next Thursday for crying out loud. Can I sneak in another road trip before then?
For now, I will enjoy talking to them on the phone and having it be only an hour time difference instead of 8.
I wish they could just stay three months to help me when baby comes...maybe skin cancer can be a blessing in disguise.
For now, I will enjoy talking to them on the phone and having it be only an hour time difference instead of 8.
I wish they could just stay three months to help me when baby comes...maybe skin cancer can be a blessing in disguise.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
A day at the Beach
Brevin building a sandcastle village and Michaela walking on by.
I love days like today where you just wake up and decide to go to the beach, pack all the kids and go. I have my sister, Celeste's, two youngest kids, Maren and Chase, while she is at Girl's Camp. My sister Ally is out on a visit from Idaho with her two kids Hunter and Brooke. My kids are in cousin heaven. We're having so much fun, we've decided to go back with them to Idaho! I love summer.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Marvelous Fourth
We enjoyed ourselves this 4th of July. It all began where we started our lives in Vacaville a year ago--at our ward breakfast picnic in the park. Only this year we knew people! My favorite part was hearing that one of the boys in my Primary 8 class was down by the creek collecting frogs and selling them for 75 cents each!! I also enjoyed seeing our amazing youth play with the primary kids like one big happy family. That is how I feel about our ward--family.
We enjoyed a picnic dinner in our backyard. We even watched the fireworks by climbing on top of our backyard shed (very good experience for Brevin and Lindie--Michaela led the way "It's ok guys. You can do it!"). We live pretty close to downtown where the fireworks were taking place and loved being able to sit and ooo and ahhh right in our own backyard.
Brevin has been eagerly anticipating his Scout Twilight Camp this week. He made it the first two days and loved every minute of it. Sadly, Michaela shared her fever with him and he's has been down and out the rest of the week. It's weird to be inside with the kids when the weather has been in the 80's. Lindie and I have been doing each others hair, playing games, and making recipes together. Brevin and Michaela have been lying listless on the floor watching PBS non-stop. Hopefully, all kids will feel better by Saturday so we can attend our cousin Maren's baptism. We also get to have our cousins Maren and Chase stay with us all of next week while my sister goes to Girl's Camp. My sister Ally is here with her two kids and they get to play with us from Saturday until Tuesday!! Let the cousin memories begin!!!
We enjoyed a picnic dinner in our backyard. We even watched the fireworks by climbing on top of our backyard shed (very good experience for Brevin and Lindie--Michaela led the way "It's ok guys. You can do it!"). We live pretty close to downtown where the fireworks were taking place and loved being able to sit and ooo and ahhh right in our own backyard.
Brevin has been eagerly anticipating his Scout Twilight Camp this week. He made it the first two days and loved every minute of it. Sadly, Michaela shared her fever with him and he's has been down and out the rest of the week. It's weird to be inside with the kids when the weather has been in the 80's. Lindie and I have been doing each others hair, playing games, and making recipes together. Brevin and Michaela have been lying listless on the floor watching PBS non-stop. Hopefully, all kids will feel better by Saturday so we can attend our cousin Maren's baptism. We also get to have our cousins Maren and Chase stay with us all of next week while my sister goes to Girl's Camp. My sister Ally is here with her two kids and they get to play with us from Saturday until Tuesday!! Let the cousin memories begin!!!
Friday, June 26, 2009
It's A....BOY!!
Yes, we had our ultrasound today and there is no question that we are having a boy! The baby was moving around so much during the entire ultrasound, I was getting worried that we wouldn't be able to find out at all. But thankfully, he cooperated. He has long arms and legs and a distinguished nose like our other kids. I am just so excited to meet him!
When we told the kids, Brevin gave me a giant hug and said, "Finally, the brother I've been waiting and waiting for." Lindie jumped up and down and started talking to the baby saying, "Well, hello there little brother!" Michaela hung her head and cried. I picked her up and she just sobbed. She finally put her head up to look at me and said, "Mommy. I really, really, really wanted a little sister." Lindie saw Michaela and said, "Michaela, don't cry! Your prince is coming!" That cheered Michaela right up and she's been saying all day today how her prince is coming! Thank you, Lindie.
Randy and I don't have any names. We asked the kids what names they liked. Brevin likes the name Anthony (no), Lindie likes Jack (hmm) and Michaela likes Devin because it rhymes with Brevin (no, we're not going to do that). Matthew, Ryan and Corbin are also contenders, so we'll see what HE looks like and go from there.
Wow. Another boy!
When we told the kids, Brevin gave me a giant hug and said, "Finally, the brother I've been waiting and waiting for." Lindie jumped up and down and started talking to the baby saying, "Well, hello there little brother!" Michaela hung her head and cried. I picked her up and she just sobbed. She finally put her head up to look at me and said, "Mommy. I really, really, really wanted a little sister." Lindie saw Michaela and said, "Michaela, don't cry! Your prince is coming!" That cheered Michaela right up and she's been saying all day today how her prince is coming! Thank you, Lindie.
Randy and I don't have any names. We asked the kids what names they liked. Brevin likes the name Anthony (no), Lindie likes Jack (hmm) and Michaela likes Devin because it rhymes with Brevin (no, we're not going to do that). Matthew, Ryan and Corbin are also contenders, so we'll see what HE looks like and go from there.
Wow. Another boy!
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Summer, Summer, Summer
The kids finished school on Thursday!! Hooray! Thanks to my amazing neice, Kaitlyn, I was able to make it through the last week of school while Randy was away in Kentucky. He was off grading AP Stats tests for the AP College Board again this year. Next year they'll be grading in Florida. Can we say Disney World, anyone? That would beat crying non-stop after a sacrament meeting from HADES. Why do kids act up when dad is not here? Kaitlyn, you saved me! Thank you!
Today I attended my older sister, Celeste's, college graduation. As soon as they started playing "Pomp and Circumstance" I was a basket case. Her son, McKay, kept asking me why I was crying. My first response was, "Oh, I'm pregnant. It doesn't take much for me to cry." And then I had to remind myself that it doesn't take much for me to cry when I'm not pregnant. So why was I crying? Because I am so PROUD of my sister! I could feel of my Grandma Bingham and Grandma Johns presence. Both women instilled in us a desire to better ourselves in everyway, and to get an education. I thought of my parents in far away Ghana, Africa, and how they taught us to work hard, and to do whatever it takes to get an education. I thought of my sister, and how she went to night school while rearing her 5 children (ages 5-15) and did whatever it took to not only obtain her degree, but enjoy it. I saw her husband and kids cheering her on not only today during the ceremony, but by putting dinners on and helping with homework so mom could be at class. When thinking of all that, how could I not cry? Way to go, Celeste!!!
Today I attended my older sister, Celeste's, college graduation. As soon as they started playing "Pomp and Circumstance" I was a basket case. Her son, McKay, kept asking me why I was crying. My first response was, "Oh, I'm pregnant. It doesn't take much for me to cry." And then I had to remind myself that it doesn't take much for me to cry when I'm not pregnant. So why was I crying? Because I am so PROUD of my sister! I could feel of my Grandma Bingham and Grandma Johns presence. Both women instilled in us a desire to better ourselves in everyway, and to get an education. I thought of my parents in far away Ghana, Africa, and how they taught us to work hard, and to do whatever it takes to get an education. I thought of my sister, and how she went to night school while rearing her 5 children (ages 5-15) and did whatever it took to not only obtain her degree, but enjoy it. I saw her husband and kids cheering her on not only today during the ceremony, but by putting dinners on and helping with homework so mom could be at class. When thinking of all that, how could I not cry? Way to go, Celeste!!!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Birthday Boy
Randy turned 37 on Monday! Sadly, he was busy grading finals ALL day and into the wee hours of the morning. He could not join us at a Memorial Day BBQ at Auntie Carol and Uncle Jerry's in Sacramento. The pool and food were great. It was also fabulous to sit and visit with my sister in person--we only live an hour and a half away but we haven't SEEN each other since Christmas! How sad is that???
Today, we were able to celebrate Randy's birthday as our own family. His parents and sister did come down last week to celebrate by taking the whole crew out to "Outback Steakhouse." That was super delicious, but the kids thought he needed a little more. Lindie and Michaela enjoyed helping me frost the traditional angel food cake with chocolate frosting. They added lots of sprinkles and candles--the tricky kind--hee, hee, hee. Michaela was very concerned when I told her the trick. She said, "But mom! Daddy likes BORING things! Tricky candles might be TOO EXCITING for him!" Well, good. He needs some excitement, by golly!!! Michaela also helped me buy Randy some much needed work shirts. I love Ross. She also insisted on buying him a purple tie to wear to church. As we were leaving Carl's Jr. for Randy's birthday celebration dinner, Michaela said, "Daddy! I got you a purple tie for your birthday! You are going to be SO SURPRISED!!" Ah, to be 3 again.
Brevin and Lindie's favorite part was giving Randy an elephant birthday card. Randy is "afraid" of elephants--for the kids sake. He opened the card and feigned freight. Oh, the giggles! All the kids were in a fit of giggles all night long re-showing Randy his elephant birthday card. He would squeal and hide under the covers of his bed. He would jump up on the couch and cover his face with his arms. I think elephant birthday cards should become a new family tradition.
I gave Randy a Superman birthday card because for the past 3-4 months, he has been Clark Kent the Math Professor by day and Superman the daddy/mommy at night. Luckily, I am feeling much better and am now adding Superwoman to my name. We love being parents and all it entails.
Happy Birthday, hon. Let's buy a house before we turn 40.
Today, we were able to celebrate Randy's birthday as our own family. His parents and sister did come down last week to celebrate by taking the whole crew out to "Outback Steakhouse." That was super delicious, but the kids thought he needed a little more. Lindie and Michaela enjoyed helping me frost the traditional angel food cake with chocolate frosting. They added lots of sprinkles and candles--the tricky kind--hee, hee, hee. Michaela was very concerned when I told her the trick. She said, "But mom! Daddy likes BORING things! Tricky candles might be TOO EXCITING for him!" Well, good. He needs some excitement, by golly!!! Michaela also helped me buy Randy some much needed work shirts. I love Ross. She also insisted on buying him a purple tie to wear to church. As we were leaving Carl's Jr. for Randy's birthday celebration dinner, Michaela said, "Daddy! I got you a purple tie for your birthday! You are going to be SO SURPRISED!!" Ah, to be 3 again.
Brevin and Lindie's favorite part was giving Randy an elephant birthday card. Randy is "afraid" of elephants--for the kids sake. He opened the card and feigned freight. Oh, the giggles! All the kids were in a fit of giggles all night long re-showing Randy his elephant birthday card. He would squeal and hide under the covers of his bed. He would jump up on the couch and cover his face with his arms. I think elephant birthday cards should become a new family tradition.
I gave Randy a Superman birthday card because for the past 3-4 months, he has been Clark Kent the Math Professor by day and Superman the daddy/mommy at night. Luckily, I am feeling much better and am now adding Superwoman to my name. We love being parents and all it entails.
Happy Birthday, hon. Let's buy a house before we turn 40.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
First Tri-mester Blues
I am now in week 11 of this first tri-mester. I have only been to the ER once to be re-hydrated and they started me on the chemo anti-nausea pills since then. I am just now beginning to feel "normal". Heck, I even mopped the floor today! And only fell asleep once!
Randy and I really thought our family of 5 was doing great, until we both started to feel that there was one more baby we needed to complete our family. (Of course, Randy just asked if this is really the last one. GLARE.) We thought about it and then BAM found out we were pregnant, so it must be meant to be. Hey, Randy and I are both the fourth kids in our families, so we needed a fourth in our family too.
The kids have known since I've been sick, which was immediately. I wanted them to know I was sick for a good reason. They are thrilled. This baby is due on Lindie's birthday--November 13th--so Lindie is especially excited. Michaela just told me she has a baby in her tummy. My youngest brother and sister just had babies within the last week, so I think Michaela doesn't want to be left out.
I have an added testimony of Relief Society in action. This ward has been phenomenal. Meals for a week, just because. Offers to pick up kids from school, watch the kids, etc. I get at least one note a week from some sweet sister in the ward letting me know how happy they are for me. Calls everyday from someone. I have felt of their prayers and feel uplifted. Relief Society rocks!
And my husband is truly amazing. He spent his entire Spring Break last week taking care of me and our family and our house--all with enthusiasm and a cheerful heart! He is going straight to the Celestial Kingdom. If I can only coast on his coat tails, I will feel blessed.
Overall, we are amazed that Heavenly Father has blessed us with another baby to join our family. This baby LOVES Italian food, so we call it "Baby Luigi". Lasagna anyone?
Randy and I really thought our family of 5 was doing great, until we both started to feel that there was one more baby we needed to complete our family. (Of course, Randy just asked if this is really the last one. GLARE.) We thought about it and then BAM found out we were pregnant, so it must be meant to be. Hey, Randy and I are both the fourth kids in our families, so we needed a fourth in our family too.
The kids have known since I've been sick, which was immediately. I wanted them to know I was sick for a good reason. They are thrilled. This baby is due on Lindie's birthday--November 13th--so Lindie is especially excited. Michaela just told me she has a baby in her tummy. My youngest brother and sister just had babies within the last week, so I think Michaela doesn't want to be left out.
I have an added testimony of Relief Society in action. This ward has been phenomenal. Meals for a week, just because. Offers to pick up kids from school, watch the kids, etc. I get at least one note a week from some sweet sister in the ward letting me know how happy they are for me. Calls everyday from someone. I have felt of their prayers and feel uplifted. Relief Society rocks!
And my husband is truly amazing. He spent his entire Spring Break last week taking care of me and our family and our house--all with enthusiasm and a cheerful heart! He is going straight to the Celestial Kingdom. If I can only coast on his coat tails, I will feel blessed.
Overall, we are amazed that Heavenly Father has blessed us with another baby to join our family. This baby LOVES Italian food, so we call it "Baby Luigi". Lasagna anyone?
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Hitting Too Close to Home
My brother lost his job today. He is a High School Spanish Teacher effected by the budget crisis we are all in. He has 5 children, a home, and is in his bishopbric.
Who is next? Randy's job is going through accredidation proceedings. If the school doesn't prove that they have their financial records in hand, and that they have proceedures that are followed by faculty/staff, then the Junior College will lose its accredidation effective June 1st. Can they do it?
I was helping in Lindie's kindergarten class the other day and a little girl told me, "My mom and dad are both looking for jobs. I'm kind of scared. Where will I live? What will I do? At least I get to see them more."
In the all Northern California Stakes Broadcast a few weeks ago, we as Northern California Saints were encouraged to STAY WHERE YOU ARE. Zion is here. So jobs must be too.
Especially for my brother, please.
Who is next? Randy's job is going through accredidation proceedings. If the school doesn't prove that they have their financial records in hand, and that they have proceedures that are followed by faculty/staff, then the Junior College will lose its accredidation effective June 1st. Can they do it?
I was helping in Lindie's kindergarten class the other day and a little girl told me, "My mom and dad are both looking for jobs. I'm kind of scared. Where will I live? What will I do? At least I get to see them more."
In the all Northern California Stakes Broadcast a few weeks ago, we as Northern California Saints were encouraged to STAY WHERE YOU ARE. Zion is here. So jobs must be too.
Especially for my brother, please.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
So long, farewell....
It's official. My parents are on their way to Africa for their second mission in Ghana. They are happy and excited to go and while I am happy for them, I am sad too. I was just getting used to talking to my parents in the same time zone, having them see my kids and reconnect with them, and knowing that when I called, they would be there. At least this mission is only 18 months long, right? I've volunteered to do OUR family reunion when they return in August 2010--seeing that date makes it seem WAY in the future!
I found an Electric Company DVD at the library. I know I'm showing my age, but it was so fun to sit down with the kids and introduce them to "Easy Reader". Ok, more fun to see Brevin sing the song around the house. We're on to the Muppets now. Reading Rainbow is always on hand.
I am entering my kids into a lottery for a co-op school in the area. My dream school--it really exists. And it's in the school district!! I wonder how long it will last with all the cuts coming our way....
Michaela was pretending to be a librarian today to her dolls. My heart melted. I am so thankful that all of my kids now enjoy reading.
Lindie finished her dance class and is still in her art class. I'm trying to find another dance class. She loves it. She also enjoys MATH and reading. So thankful I married Randy--that math gene does not come from me--but the dance and art--enjoy it, Lindie!!
Brevin started piano lessons after basketball ended. Piano lessons and scouts--I'm thinking about adding swimming to the mix per his doctors recommendation. I guess we should put that long, lanky body to good use, right?
Randy is constantly grading papers and prepping for his lesson plans. It's like graduate school without the stress. Luckily, I think I'm used to not having him "here".
Weight Watchers works!
I found an Electric Company DVD at the library. I know I'm showing my age, but it was so fun to sit down with the kids and introduce them to "Easy Reader". Ok, more fun to see Brevin sing the song around the house. We're on to the Muppets now. Reading Rainbow is always on hand.
I am entering my kids into a lottery for a co-op school in the area. My dream school--it really exists. And it's in the school district!! I wonder how long it will last with all the cuts coming our way....
Michaela was pretending to be a librarian today to her dolls. My heart melted. I am so thankful that all of my kids now enjoy reading.
Lindie finished her dance class and is still in her art class. I'm trying to find another dance class. She loves it. She also enjoys MATH and reading. So thankful I married Randy--that math gene does not come from me--but the dance and art--enjoy it, Lindie!!
Brevin started piano lessons after basketball ended. Piano lessons and scouts--I'm thinking about adding swimming to the mix per his doctors recommendation. I guess we should put that long, lanky body to good use, right?
Randy is constantly grading papers and prepping for his lesson plans. It's like graduate school without the stress. Luckily, I think I'm used to not having him "here".
Weight Watchers works!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
People Who Need People Are the Luckiest People in the World....
I've been thinking a lot about friends lately.
Visiting with my BYU roommate as a mom while in Washington.
Reconnecting with Davis friends because of Janell's funeral.
Reconnecting with our "first" friends from Davis on-campus housing through a baptism.
Connecting with new friends at a GNO in our new hometown.
I need friends. I am thankful for them. I am blessed to have many acquaintances and a few close friends.
What can I do to strengthen friendships on my own without having an event bring us all back together again?
So thank you, my friends, for listening to me, cheering me up and reminding what is most important in life--people.
Visiting with my BYU roommate as a mom while in Washington.
Reconnecting with Davis friends because of Janell's funeral.
Reconnecting with our "first" friends from Davis on-campus housing through a baptism.
Connecting with new friends at a GNO in our new hometown.
I need friends. I am thankful for them. I am blessed to have many acquaintances and a few close friends.
What can I do to strengthen friendships on my own without having an event bring us all back together again?
So thank you, my friends, for listening to me, cheering me up and reminding what is most important in life--people.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Winter time Blues
I am going through family withdrawals!! We had such an amazing time with all of my family (yes, all 41 of us, and two more on the way) in Vancouver, Washington the week after Christmas. To see all the pics, please visit my youngest sisters blog at:
Now if Michaela can just recover from pneumonia this week before I say goodbye to my parents before they leave for their next mission. I want my vacation back!
Now if Michaela can just recover from pneumonia this week before I say goodbye to my parents before they leave for their next mission. I want my vacation back!
Friday, January 9, 2009
In the ten years I lived in Davis, I had the honor and priviledge of serving in three different presidencies. While I cherished each of the women with whom I served and learned many things from each person, I will always remember my time in the Relief Society Presidency. I served with four different presidents within that presidency of 3 years. From Deidre Oliver I learned organization and the benefits of planning ahead. From Marsha Purves I learned that Relief Society is a way of life and service that begins within our families and extends outwards to help other families. From Janet Mayhew, I learned that efficieny and love can both be bestowed at the same time.
From Janelle Brubaker, I learned that Charity Never Faileth. I have the pin she gave each of us, Phoebe Fillmore and Mandy Halverson, to remember that legacy. I learned that while setting a tablecloth on top of the Relief Society table may seem unnecessary to me and my simple style, that others greatly appreciate the extra effort. I learned the importance of food storage and wheat and that being the Enrichment Counselor is very important! I learned how to love each sister and see them as Heavenly Father does and that inspiration is indeed given when filling callings, like Kiyomi as the chorister. I learned that eventhough you are preparing to receive ongoing tests for blurred vision, headaches, inability to read or write anymore and forgetfulness, it is still more blessed to share your canning expertise until the wee hours of the morning with your young presidency members. And I learned that when a diagnosis of Brain Cancer is given, that with fasting and prayers, it can go into remission, and that a presidency is still a presidency when the president is sick.
Janelle died today around noon. I will miss Janelle for her kindness and wisdom and for the many ways she served me while we served together in Relief Society. And I will continue to pray for her hopelessly devoted husband, Bruce, and their 7 children, their spouses and many grandchildren. I hope they will remember what I remember about Janelle--Charity Never Faileth.
From Janelle Brubaker, I learned that Charity Never Faileth. I have the pin she gave each of us, Phoebe Fillmore and Mandy Halverson, to remember that legacy. I learned that while setting a tablecloth on top of the Relief Society table may seem unnecessary to me and my simple style, that others greatly appreciate the extra effort. I learned the importance of food storage and wheat and that being the Enrichment Counselor is very important! I learned how to love each sister and see them as Heavenly Father does and that inspiration is indeed given when filling callings, like Kiyomi as the chorister. I learned that eventhough you are preparing to receive ongoing tests for blurred vision, headaches, inability to read or write anymore and forgetfulness, it is still more blessed to share your canning expertise until the wee hours of the morning with your young presidency members. And I learned that when a diagnosis of Brain Cancer is given, that with fasting and prayers, it can go into remission, and that a presidency is still a presidency when the president is sick.
Janelle died today around noon. I will miss Janelle for her kindness and wisdom and for the many ways she served me while we served together in Relief Society. And I will continue to pray for her hopelessly devoted husband, Bruce, and their 7 children, their spouses and many grandchildren. I hope they will remember what I remember about Janelle--Charity Never Faileth.
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