Friday, January 9, 2009


In the ten years I lived in Davis, I had the honor and priviledge of serving in three different presidencies. While I cherished each of the women with whom I served and learned many things from each person, I will always remember my time in the Relief Society Presidency. I served with four different presidents within that presidency of 3 years. From Deidre Oliver I learned organization and the benefits of planning ahead. From Marsha Purves I learned that Relief Society is a way of life and service that begins within our families and extends outwards to help other families. From Janet Mayhew, I learned that efficieny and love can both be bestowed at the same time.

From Janelle Brubaker, I learned that Charity Never Faileth. I have the pin she gave each of us, Phoebe Fillmore and Mandy Halverson, to remember that legacy. I learned that while setting a tablecloth on top of the Relief Society table may seem unnecessary to me and my simple style, that others greatly appreciate the extra effort. I learned the importance of food storage and wheat and that being the Enrichment Counselor is very important! I learned how to love each sister and see them as Heavenly Father does and that inspiration is indeed given when filling callings, like Kiyomi as the chorister. I learned that eventhough you are preparing to receive ongoing tests for blurred vision, headaches, inability to read or write anymore and forgetfulness, it is still more blessed to share your canning expertise until the wee hours of the morning with your young presidency members. And I learned that when a diagnosis of Brain Cancer is given, that with fasting and prayers, it can go into remission, and that a presidency is still a presidency when the president is sick.

Janelle died today around noon. I will miss Janelle for her kindness and wisdom and for the many ways she served me while we served together in Relief Society. And I will continue to pray for her hopelessly devoted husband, Bruce, and their 7 children, their spouses and many grandchildren. I hope they will remember what I remember about Janelle--Charity Never Faileth.

1 comment:

Phoebe said...

What a blessing she was and continues to be in my life.